
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

September Book Club

When I lived in Tucson I had a great group of ladies that got together once a month outside of our playgroups and normal Mommy playdates for a chance to get together minus kids and have fun and adult conversation.  After moving to Virginia this was something that I missed terribly.  After over two years I have finally got one started again! Thank you my wonderful Grace friends for making this dream a reality!

The first book we read was in September and my choice was:
Enclave by Ann Aguirre

This was a quick and easy read.  Some of the situations posed were interesting to contemplate.  It made you wonder about the role of current government and media/propoganda... We had an interesting discussion about society after reading this book.  Some books can get really graphic but this is a book I think did a good job of getting across the main idea without crossing the line into the unnecessarily graphic details and I would have no problem recommending to Teenage readers.  It was not a real in depth detailed book but I liked it enough to want to finish the series.  I did also like that the author did research before writing the story and remained true to her findings in the situations posed throughout the book.

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