
Friday, March 15, 2013

Orange Sweet Rolls

I love cinnamon rolls and when I was at the store the other day the beautiful oranges were calling my name.  I remember my Grandma making orange rolls when I was growing up and they were fabulous.  So to bring back fond memories I made these.  Your kitchen will smell heavenly! I hope you enjoy one of my family traditions.

Print Recipe

Great Grandma Allen's Orange Sweet Rolls

1 cup scalded milk
3 Tbsp melted butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 Tbsp active dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water
3 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
3 cups flour
3/4 cups sugar
zest of 2 medium oranges
4 Tbsp butter, softened
2 cups powdered sugar
2 tsp vanilla
3-5 Tbsp fresh squeezed orange juice

Dissolve the yeast in 1/2 cup warm water (95-105 F).  Combine the milk, butter and sugar.  Add the beaten eggs and 1 1/2 cups flour.  Stir together and let rise about 1 1/2 hours.

Stir down and add the salt and 3 cups flour to make a soft dough (will be more like a thick paste).  
Rise for 2 hours.

Combine 3/4 cups granulated sugar with the zest from the 2 oranges for the filling.  

Flour a flat work surface generously.  Roll out the dough into a large rectangle about 1/2" thick (flour or grease hands and rolling pin, dough is sticky).  

Spread the butter across the top of the dough within 1/2" of the border.  Spread the orange sugar mixture over the top of the butter in an even layer.  

Roll the dough as for cinnamon rolls along the long edge so you have a long skinny tube.  

With a sharp knife cut off dough in 1" circles and place on a parchment lined or greased baking sheet.  

Let rise 1 1/2-2 hours.  For the last 30 minutes of rising time preheat oven to 375 F.  

Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Whisk together the powdered sugar, vanilla, and orange juice starting with 3 Tbsp and add more 1 Tbsp at a time until the frosting/glaze reaches your desired consistency.  Allow the rolls to cool for about 10-15 minutes and then spread over the top.

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  1. Hi Krista, I love cinnamon rolls. Yours look awesome. Wish I can have some right now, great to go with coffee. ;)

    Have a nice day.

    1. Thanks so much Amelia! I like them. They disappear lightning fast :)

  2. Oh, wow. I haven't had these since I was a little girl! Thanks for sharing... I'll be sure to make them!

    1. They brought back all sorts of nostalgic memories for me too.

  3. Oh, these look so delicious! I can't wait to try these! They would be perfect for Easter brunch:)
    Shannon {Cozy Country Living}

    1. Hey, great idea. I hadn't thought of that :)

  4. I do love Orange Rolls. I made them often when my kids were little but haven't made them for years. My son and his family will be here for Easter. I think I will make these. Thanks for the recipe.

  5. Yum yum yum- those sure look amazing. I can almost taste them now.

  6. Oh... yum. I like orange anything! And I know for sure my husband will love these. Will be a great Saturday morning breakfast! Thanks for the great recipe! :)

    Krista @ joyfulhealthyeats

  7. Those look amazing! I would love to try making them, but I get so intimidated with dough. I tend to over work my dough. Oh, but what I would do to have one with my coffee right now.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and looking anyway. A good way to start making your own dough is using the dough cycle on the breadmachine. It is simple: just measure and dump then turn out your beautiful dough. Then work your way into doing it by hand. You can do it! This is probably not the best dough recipe to try out if you get frustrated easy since it is a really soft dough, but I will find one and post that is user friendly you could make with the same filling :)

  8. YUM!! Those look so good, like wow. We just got some the other day and they are sitting in the fridge waiting to be eaten. But I bet these are so much better! I plan on making these and comparing the two :)

    1. Tell me what you think! I hope you love them :)

  9. Yum! Will have to try these! Thanks for posting.

    1. I hope you do! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. I will have to try this recipe the next time I visit my daughter in Texas. She has lemon and orange trees in her backyard. Beautiful photos.

    1. I am so jealous! How wonderful to have that in the backyard! I hope everyone loves them :)

  11. I can almost smell them all the way in New Zealand! I will have to try this recipe soon.

  12. They look so good! What a delicious twist to add the orange...I think that would be so delicious! Wishing you a wonderful week! Angie xo

  13. I am not a morning person, so I usually throw a piece of toast on a plate for breakfast. I think I could become a morning person for this!

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe at the In and Out of the Kitchen link party! I am so happy you joined and I can't wait to see what you bring next week!

    Cynthia at

    1. Nothing like sugar to get you going in the morning! lol. I am totally with you on that one :)

  14. these are so inviting. have to try them .

  15. These look great! Thanks for sharing these at Two Cup Tuesday at Pint Sized Baker.

    1. Thanks so much! Thank you for hosting a great Link Party :)

  16. We all love here cinnamon rolls!! I should really try with orange - love this idea.
