
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Great Idea Thursday's #10 Features

Ok, I'm so sorry that this is so late getting posted.  Cub Scout Day Camp was so much fun this week but it completely wore me out! I'm not used to walking 5+ miles a day back and forth and entertaining my kids all day long since they've been in school.  Wake up Momma summer is here! Yikes :)

Anyway, thanks for your patience with me these last couple of weeks.  I am still playing catch up but I will get there :) I hope that you are all enjoying your summer so far! Thanks for being so amazing! I am so blessed to have such fabulous readers!

You bring such amazing things to the party everyweek.  These are the posts with the most views and the ones that really caught my eye! Thank you again for taking the time to link up with me! Ya'll are wonderful :)

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