
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Great Idea Thursday's - 35

Welcome to:

We are officially on the Christmas Countdown!  Holiday parties and Christmas Carols abound :) I hope that in all of the business that comes with this time of year you are still finding time for your family and remembering the true spirit of the Holiday Season!  I had so much fun with my scouts last night.  We made ornaments, snowflakes, greeting cards, read the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and had cookies and punch followed by singing Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman.  I had so much fun and I hope the boys did too.  However we had to restart Rudolph because I totally skipped a verse in the middle.  How I forgot words to a song I've known my whole life I don't know but it happened, the kiddos laughed and we tried again :)  Hearing those voices fill the room just warmed my heart.  Christmas truly is magical for children and I love watching the excitement in their faces as it draws nearer.

I have been thinking about some of the traditions that we have in our house: Advent calendar, Reindeer Food, Christmas cookies and milk for Santa, Christmas tree ornaments and village and I was wondering what other fun things I could add.  What do you do special for Christmas/the Holiday's? What are your favorite traditions from when you were little?

Whether or not Christmas is celebrated in your home I hope you feel the magic of the season! Virtual hug! I will see ya'll again back here on Thursday's in the New Year!

Give a great big howdy to my fabulous permanent Co-Host:
Joybee, What's for Dinner?

See Great Idea Thursday's There too!
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Great Idea Thursday's #35

Come share what you have been doing every week! If you are interested in Co-Hosting this party with us, shoot me an e-mail me:  kristascookin {at} gmail {dot} com.

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This is what I posted this week:

Now it's your turn!

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