
Monday, April 21, 2014

"I can't believe they're not Brownie's" Cookies

I originally made these cookies to participate with the Behind the Curtain monthly Dessert Challenge, but since I was out of town and didn't get my post ready before I left, I didn't participate in the hop this time. However, I still wanted to share with you these yummy cookies!  I had tried making brownie cookies before and I was not happy with the results so I did some more tweaking and came up with these! These are the best of both worlds.  The have a fabulous rich chocolatey flavor with my favorite chewy and easy to grab form of a cookie. I hope you give these a try and let me know what you think!

"I can't believe they're not Brownie's" Cookies

1/2 cup butter, cubed
Scant 2 cups chocolate chips (I used semi-sweet)
3 eggs
1/4 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp brown sugar
2 Tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup marshmallow bits
1/4 cup chopped pecans (next time I will double the pecans, yummo!)

Preheat oven to 350F. Bring a pot with about an inch of water in it to boil.  In a double boiler add the chocolate chips and the cubed butter.  Reduce the heat on the water to medium low and place the double boiler over the pan of water.  Stir occasionally until the butter and chocolate are melted.

Meanwhile in the bowl of an electric mixer beat the 3 eggs, oil, sugars, cocoa powder, and vanilla extract. 

Beat for 2-4 minutes. 

When the chocolate is completely melted remove the double boiler from a pan with a hot pad.  Be sure to wipe the bottom with a towel to remove any condensed water.  

Carefully add the chocolate to the sugar mixture in a slow stream while the mixer is on.  When most of the chocolate has been added turn off the mixer and use a rubber spatula to transfer the rest into the bowl.  Mix until the chocolate is completely combined.

In a separate bowl combine the flour, salt, and baking powder.  Add the flour to the chocolate in two additions, mixing just until combined.  Add the mini marshmallow bits and the pecans and mix until evenly distributed throughout the dough.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and using a medium scoop drop the dough about 2" apart.  

Bake for 10-12 minutes until the cookies are set and do not look doughy in the middle.  

Remove the pan from the oven to a cooling rack.  

Cool for 3 minutes or so on the pan then remove to the cooling rack to cool completely or devour warm!

Makes 3 dozen cookies

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