
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Great Idea Thursday's - 70

Welcome to:

Yikes! I had a little one come home from school early today and totally threw off my day.  I hope he gets feeling better and hopefully I can recover and get back on track :)

I'm loving all the beautiful fall colors and the creative decorations everywhere! I wish I had an unlimited supply of money to make a whole bunch!

What fun things do you have planned for the holiday? What are you making?

If you haven't already, please give a big hello to my fabulous Co-Host Miss Joy!

Joybee, What's for Dinner?

See Great Idea Thursday's There too!
Follow Miss Joy Bee:

Come share what you have been doing every week! If you are interested in Co-Hosting this party with us, shoot me an e-mail me:  kristascookin {at} gmail {dot} com.

Great Idea Thursday #69

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  • Share the love - please visit and comment on at least 2 other posts.  Everyone loves comments :)
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  • Thank you for stopping by to Party! Have Fun!
What fabulous fall projects are you ready to share??


  1. thanks for the party Krista! missed you last week. have a great rest of the week :)

  2. Hello cute lady! I’m so excited to party with you today.Thank you for hosting. I hope you get a chance to stop by our party. That would be amazing.
    Happy Thursday! Lou Lou Girls
