
Saturday, December 29, 2012

December Book Club

For the December Book I read the 2nd book for the series Enclave that we read in September.  This was another quick read and a good story.  I liked how the book progressed and cannot wait to read the next.  This book included a lot more detail in the love triangle than the first, and we see Deuce's character grow.  I related to her growth and confusion in this book as I find it is definitely an aspect of my everyday life.  Worth the read and if you are a Hunger Games fan, you will like this one.

Outpost (Enclave Series) by Ann Aguirre

The main character Duece's world has changed.  Now topside in Salvation she is once again a brat and not a Huntress.  She doesn't fit in with the townsfolk and she struggles to find her place in a society where she is supposed to wear dresses and gossip and she only knows how to fight.  Her partner Fade is keeping his distance which makes Duece lonely and searching for change.  She jumps at the chance to join the summer patrols to keep the planter's safe.  But the Freaks have grown smarter.  They aren't mindless anymore.  They plan, and watch, and wait for opportunities to strike.  It is now Deuce's job to protect Salvation and stop the Freaks from taking over.

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