
Sunday, December 30, 2012


When I was little this was my very favorite thing that my Mom made.  I would ask for it on my birthday and whenever I got to pick what dinner was.  I don't use hamburger, I substitute ground turkey instead, but it is still one of my favorite comfort foods.

1 pkg Manacotti Noodles
1 Jar of your favorite sauce
12 oz Mozzarella cheese
1 lb ground hamburger/turkey
1/2- 3/4 cup Italian bread crumbs or bread crumbs + 1 Tbsp Italian seasoning (oregano, basil)
1/4 cup parsley (optional)
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk

Brown meat, I cook with a clove of garlic and about 1/4-1/2 of an onion seasoned to taste with salt and pepper.  While cooling put water on to boil and in a mixing bowl mix together milk, eggs, bread crumbs, spices, 1/2 of the cheese and then the meat.  Stirring until evenly distributed.

Boil the noodles for 5 minutes.  I find the easiest way to remove them is to use a fork, let the water drain, and then put the noodles back in the little plastic tray they come in.

Cover the bottom of a 9x13 pan with non-stick spray and then pour a thin layer of sauce over the bottom.  Fill the noodles with the meat/cheese mixture and fill up your pan.  There is no graceful way to fill them, the best tool is just your hands.

Pour the rest of the sauce over the top of the noodles then sprinkle the top with the remaining cheese.  Bake or freeze.

Bake covered with tin foil on 375 F for 30 minutes.  Remove the foil and bake for an additional 15 minutes.  Until the cheese is nice and bubbly.

Sorry I didn't get a picture at the end, it was served and mostly devoured so quickly there wasn't enough to get a decent picture.  It was good though :)

If you freeze your manacotti, bake for 1 hour covered, then uncovered for 15 minutes.

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