
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Great Idea Thursday's - 43

Welcome to:

Oh my goodness.  You don't realize how wonderful having a working wireless router is until you don't have one! Being without the internet has proved challenging.  I am hoping to have a new router up and running tonight, needless to say my stress level has been a little high... Argh. Electronics! Can't live with them, and you can't live without them.

Anyway, it has been an exciting week.  I posted with, made my Cherry Cheesecake Coca Cola Brownies for the Lady Behind the Curtain Dessert Challenge, and I made my First post for the Grain Mill Wagon Challenge! I am loving making my own whole grain flour and I have been like a kid in the candy store making bread this week! Hopefully my internet will work better so I can actually post what I have made but I'll take what I can get :) Anyway, I'm really excited about the fun new things going on here and I hope you are too! Thanks so much for joining me every week! And if all goes well, I will actually get Fabulous Features up tomorrow.  Cross your fingers for me! (chant with me: Internet, internet, internet!) I think that will be my mantra for the next few days lol.  

Please give a big hello to my fabulous Co-Host:

Joybee, What's for Dinner?

See Great Idea Thursday's There too!
Follow Miss Joy Bee:

Great Idea Thursday's #43

Come share what you have been doing every week! If you are interested in Co-Hosting this party with us, shoot me an e-mail me:  kristascookin {at} gmail {dot} com.

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  • Thank you for stopping by to Party! Have Fun!
This is what I posted this week:

What amazing creations have you come up with this week?
An InLinkz Link-up

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