This truck is a great gift idea and on sale for the holiday season at Amazon, see the link below:
I have two boys 9 and 11. When they opened the box and saw what came they immediately started unwrapping it. Pieces of Styrofoam and packaging lay all over the floor, you'd think it was Christmas morning! So much for getting a picture of it in the box...
One great thing about this truck is that it comes with a rechargeable battery pack. No more buying a mountain of batteries! And the controller only turns on when you use it, you don't have to worry about leaving it on and the battery draining, this is very helpful with forgetful children.
It doesn't corner the very best, but I'm sure part of that may be operator error, I'm expecting that to improve as they use it more and more. The one down side is that it doesn't have a very long range. You need to be within about 20 feet or so of the truck with the remote for it to work properly. That's not an issue with my kids because they want to follow it around and watch it, but be aware of that. It does drive better on carpet than on a slicker surface like the kitchen floor. We have laminate wood floor in our kitchen and it still drives but it doesn't have as much control as on the carpet. We haven't taken it outside yet, but I'm excited to see how it does.
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