Creamy White, Pink, and Brown Puffy Baby Girl Blanket
1st I cut out 6" squares from each of my different fabrics
Then I cut out enough 5" squares of muslin to go with each piece of fabric and pined them in place. Sew with a 1/4" seam allowance around the border leaving a 2" hole to stuff your puffs.
I didn't end up using all my puffs, I should have laid out my fabric first... Oh well.
I laid out the pattern that I liked, then sewed my puffs into rows, then I sewed my rows into one big block. I cut out 2" strips of the same green fabric I used in my quilt for edging. Then I cut 6" strips of the creamy white minky fabric for the border.
This one took quite awhile since I stitched each puff together twice. I didn't want them coming apart with washing or wear since it would be really hard to repair. Next time I don't think I would fill my puffs so full. I got quite the upper arm work out trying to smash them flat to sew them all together. But I am happy with the result. Even if my husband does think it looks like a bunch of bras...